Zidane (Hard)

Image of the Zidane opponent

Rules variations played :

Image of the Three Open rule variationImage of the Same rule variationImage of the Chaos rule variationImage of the Swap rule variationImage of the One rule variation


Cait Sith cardBasch cardSteiner cardAmarant cardGau card

Freya cardQuina cardAmarant cardUmaro cardCid Highwind card

Steiner cardVincent cardGarnet cardEdgar cardQuina card

Quina cardZidane cardPenelo cardHecatoncheir cardLuneth card

Lyse cardDiabolos Hollow cardYotsuyu cardF'lhaminn cardRavana card

Rare decks

The following decks contain a five stars golden card and do appear rarely. Rough estimation of the appearance : 2% to 5%.

Red XIII cardShadow cardFreya cardSteiner cardZidane card

Red XIII cardShadow cardFreya cardSteiner cardZidane card

Quina cardGarnet cardZidane cardKuja cardSteiner card

Hien cardUnei & Doga cardYotsuyu cardLyse cardShinryu card

Freya cardQuina cardFreya cardSteiner cardZidane Tribal card

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