Vaan (Normal)

Image of the Vaan opponent

Rules variations played :

Image of the Plus rule variationImage of the Chaos rule variationImage of the One rule variation


Ward cardCid Highwind cardMustadio cardTrey cardSice card

Ingus cardCait Sith cardArgath cardGuy cardNine card

Ovelia cardZalbaag cardThief cardGumbah cardGuy card

Jack cardThief cardAgrias cardArc cardCid Kramer card

Orran cardKurasame cardMagus cardSazh cardSummoner card

Sabin cardMagus cardCinque cardSetzer cardOrlandeau card

Faris cardRahal cardKurasame cardAlma cardAmarant card

Amarant cardAdrammelech, The Wroth cardZeromus, The Condemner cardExodus, The Judge-sal cardCuchulainn, The Impure card

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